Astro Note

I started watching the anime Astro Note. I like the concept of their homeshare, and that they have breakfast together. Their new chef makes delicious meals for them (although their landlord tried, it’s clear the tenants were not fans of her cooking skills, or lack thereof). I haven’t decided how I feel about this show yet. It’s goofy, the tenants are interesting, but I think I’m still wrapping my head around the space travel aspect. Just finished the first episode and noticed a mysterious character in the background. Hopefully we’ll find out who they are soon!

Ah yes. A chill life. Sounds fantastic!

I hope they’ll tell us who this mysterious person is lurking in the background at the welcome party!

Standing Up for Others Can Have Unintended Consequences

I’m watching An Archdemon’s Dilemma How to Love Your Elf Bride, on Crunchyroll. I’ve been wanting to read the light novel, so when I heard the anime was airing this season I had to check it out!

First and foremost, like a lot of us, the main character has some things he’s working through. After hearing his inner monologue, I’d encourage him to speak nicer to himself.


Zagan is a sorcerer, who is anti-social. I don’t blame him for wanting his peace and quiet, and living alone in the woods seems like the ideal place to do so. Flashbacks from his childhood reveal that he’s had a rough upbringing, and had to overcome a lot of challenges to become a strong sorcerer. Society assumes all sorcerers are evil. Zagan does not come across as evil, but he seems indifferent to the plight of others. If he was inconvenienced, like someone loudly attacking an innocent person, and this attack just happened to wake him from his nap, then he’d take care of the troublemaker and go back to sleep, and go about his day. Zagan would stop evildoers if he came across them, but didn’t actively seek them out. One day, after he unintentionally saves a maiden from a bad guy, his sorcerer friend pops up suddenly and tells him an archdemon has passed, and now there is an estate sale. His friend invites him to the estate sale (his friend has an ulterior motive, he wants to put Zagan’s money to use, since no one else will lend him money).

While at this estate sale, Zagan falls in love at first sight with an elf. I have concerns about this relationship starting off on the wrong foot. He tries to get the elf’s collar removed, but finds out it is enchanted and it may be a challenge to get it off without harming her. It seems he wants her to be free. Flashback scenes reveal she may not have a home to return to.

Zagan takes the elf back to his castle-like home, and she thinks he’s going to kill her, or do something possibly worse. The torture devices in his home are not persuading her otherwise (apparently they belonged to the previous owner of the residence, and he was too lazy to remove it from the premises or clean…I get not wanting to clean, but these devices are not good conversation pieces).

Actually I am concerned about Zagan’s state of affairs and how he is living his life. It’s giving “surviving but not thriving.” I am also concerned for the elf.

Realization hits the next day, when the elf named Nephy, seems sympathetic Zagan’s eating the same food she is…which is a slice of beef jerky and milk. That’s his breakfast on a regular day, and he would’ve eaten that even if she wasn’t there.

It sounds like Nephy can cook, and she doesn’t seem excited about this jerky and milk meal. So they’re going to get groceries. However Zagan remembers he spent his life savings on acquiring Nephy, so luxuries like an Uber ride or a taxi, aren’t happening. Actually how was he even planning on paying for groceries? His face card?

I guess he’s not hanging out the passenger side of his best friend’s ride.

They’re getting their 10,000 steps in today.

Nephy! LOL

Suddenly bad guys are attacking the wagon, and Zagan senses that Nephy is frightened. He assuages her fear, by showing her his strength, and that people like them should not be a concern. He will keep her safe. But saving people, intentionally or not, has consequences which he soon discovers.

Having a change of heart, the bad guys choose life and make a run for it.

Now Nephy has nothing to fear!

That’s a good one Nephy! You’re so funny.

The people Zagan rescued expressed their gratitude and appreciation for his (unintended) heroic deeds!

No one is more shocked than Zagan.

He’s used to people being scared of him.

Yaaaaaaaas!!!! Manifest!!!

Now they think Nephy works for him! And she must be one of his elite employees!

Zagan’s heart is starting to show! I love it. I hope he will embrace his strength to help others, and that it’ll lead him to find inner strength to love himself. He has a kind heart, even if he doesn’t realize it. He’s unintentionally saved other people too! He found out when trying to remove Nephy’s collar, that he saved the shop owner and his daughter. The positive response he received from others is due to his own good deeds, but he thinks it is because of Nephy. He’s shocked by how friendly people are to him. While their kindness is directly related to him, he is more approachable when he is with her, so they can finally express their gratitude.

I’m optimistic about this anime, and I’m looking forward to more episodes!


I caught up on watching That Time I was Reincarnated as a Slime, so now I’m watching The Slime Diaries. The scene that amused me in the episode “The Residents of the City of Monsters” was seeing Rimuru’s envy of Benimaru’s popularity with the ladies. Haters can be in one’s inner circle too! Beware! Lol…although, truth be told Rimuru is very popular himself, but he seems oblivious.

I’m watching on Crunchyroll.

OMG do you see what they gave him?! They made a super cute doll of him! Plus the flowers, and I’m sure there’s a love note or two in there! 

Hmmm now how will Rimuru answer? Lol – with humor, sarcasm, jealousy, amusement, or in another manner??

Wow, they are really camped outside like he was BTS, or a famous pop star! I’m a BTS fan, so I get it, but it might not be the way to Benimaru’s heart lol.

Conversation with a Doctor

I’m watching Queen’s Legend, and the main character is a modern day doctor who finds herself transported to the past. Her conversation sounds too familiar to me. So on that note… I’m going to change my ways, like he’s doing…

What’s Your Body Trying to Tell You?

I just finished Dr. Ramune Mysterious Disease Specialist, Kai Byoui Ramune, on VRV. Ramune is a doctor, that specializes in supernatural afflictions.


Sometimes the illness can be emotions, trapped, and unable to express themselves. Memories that are suppressed. Or behavior that needs to be faced honestly. Using unconventional methods, Dr. Ramune, enables his patients to face their challenges and heal themselves. They are able to make the connection between their condition, and their life choices. And they gain insight and strength, to make healthier choices going forward. Their body is communicating a message, that Dr. Ramune helps them decipher.

I agree with the VRV/Crunchyroll commenter KhakiBlueSocks. This show is a good mix of xxxHolic and Mushishi. I enjoyed both of those series. This show has humor and heart. The positive messages are just as applicable to our daily lives. Well-being is to be healthy physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.

This anime ended with an episode that updated us on Dr. Ramune’s patients, and emphasized all the healing he helped them with, and how his empathic nature is a blessing. This show also touched upon self-care, and how it’s vital that he take care of himself, so he can continue helping others.

I watched on VRV / Crunchyroll. I do recommend this show, I really enjoyed it. It was interesting to think of underlying behaviors, thoughts, and emotions that contributed to the seemingly odd illnesses. But it was most insightful, seeing the patients come to their own conclusion for healing, and how their quality of life improved.

That’s One Way to Get Rejected

I just started watching My Senpai is Annoying on Funimation. Futaba Igarashi is a hard working adult, yet she’s viewed differently due to her height, and youthful appearance. She works diligently to earn the respect of her colleagues and to be taken seriously. Harumi Takeda, is her Senpai, and takes excellent care of her as a mentor. He is patient, and helps her grow in her career. There is an inkling of romance in the first episode. Takeda has appeal as the male lead; he is good humored, generous, kind, and reliable. After seeing our girl put herself out there (after having a few beers, maybe too many beers), and receiving this response…well, I hope she’ll get out of whatever zone this is! Because YIKES! That sounds like a solid rejection. Here’s hoping they find their happy ending.

Feel the Fairies

Qingqing should focus on work, and not daydream about her co-worker! If you’re curious to see how these two end up, give Feel the Fairies a watch. It’s on the IQ streaming site, but proceed with caution, as I’m not sure if it’s a legitimate site, but hopefully it is. This show was recommended to me after I watched Psychic Princess.

In addition to romance, this show has supernatural appeal, and humor. The episodes are short, around ten minutes or so. It’s ongoing, but the episodes I’ve watched so far were entertaining.

It has slice of life elements, with work scenes.

This show also has a cute cat.

Having a cat means winning at life? Good to know!

There’s Qingqing’s roommate, a Merman.

If you’re looking for an amusing show, that is a quick watch, you may like the Chinese Anime (Donghua), Feel the Fairies!

My Demon Tyrant and Sweet Baby

After watching Psychic Princess, I received a recommendation for My Demon Tyrant and Sweet Baby. It is a Chinese anime, or Donghua. This show had romance, cuteness, comedy, and all the makings of a rom-com with a splash of (unnecessary) drama. There are episodes on YouTube, and this streaming site called IQ (I don’t know anything about this site, it’s the first time I’ve heard of it, so proceed with caution – it looked like a legit site, and I hope it was).


There are awkward/funny moments between the female lead (who is a nanny) and the child’s uncle.

There are funny moments when the Dad sees the difference in how his daughter treats him versus her nanny (don’t worry it all works out in the end!)

Mia, the little girl, thinks the nanny is her mom.

And this moment when Mia didn’t want her Dad’s ornament near theirs, and it was relegated to the bottom of the tree.

It’s an obvious romance anime, with a happy predictable ending, but I love those! Some secondhand happiness is always appreciated.