That’s One Way to Get Rejected

I just started watching My Senpai is Annoying on Funimation. Futaba Igarashi is a hard working adult, yet she’s viewed differently due to her height, and youthful appearance. She works diligently to earn the respect of her colleagues and to be taken seriously. Harumi Takeda, is her Senpai, and takes excellent care of her as a mentor. He is patient, and helps her grow in her career. There is an inkling of romance in the first episode. Takeda has appeal as the male lead; he is good humored, generous, kind, and reliable. After seeing our girl put herself out there (after having a few beers, maybe too many beers), and receiving this response…well, I hope she’ll get out of whatever zone this is! Because YIKES! That sounds like a solid rejection. Here’s hoping they find their happy ending.